Street Lighting
All Street Lights in the Parish are the property of Woodford Parish Council and the Council is responsible for the maintenance and power costs incurred by the lamps. This is by far the largest item of expenditure incurred each year.
All lamps are now LED models which has dramaically reduced both power usage and maintenance costs.
Please report any faulty street lamps to Woodford Parish Council owns all of the lamps in the village and repairs can only take place if we know about the fault and authorise the repair. Once the Parish Clerk is aware of the fault the contractor will normally repair the lamp in about a week. All you need to report is the lamp number (if known), or the location/address.
Please don't assume someone else has reported the fault.
It's better to have two reports than none.
If you are aware of any dark spots that might benefit from additional lighting then please make contact using the email address above giving the proposed location. It may not always be possible to connect a lamp as it will be driven by funds available in the council's budget and also the cost of installation. The installation cost comprises the actual lamp, and the connection to the low voltage power network, which is often the most expensive proportion of the overall cost.