Woodford Northamptonshire

Miscellaneous Items



A census has been held every ten years since 1841 with the exception of 1941, and the last was held in 2011. Details of each census are not available to the public until one hundred years have elapsed. Census details between 1841 and 1911 can be found on a variety of websites, and examples of some of the popular sites are shown below. None of these sites are endorsed or recommended in preference to another by this website.

These are subscription sites (with the exception of Freecen and Family Search), and offer different levels membership. All tend to offer a trial period. Each site differs with what is on offer and from experience some have better transcriptions, others have better search facilities and record linking. Some of the sites are very user friendly, some over user friendly, and others are "straight to the point" which can mean it is quicker to find informaiton. Advice - try before you buy.

Statistics are available from the 2011 census and some of the data so far released can be found here.

Conservation Area

East Northamptonshire Council has designated certain areas within Woodford as Conservation Areas. In doing so the "look and feel" of these areas are geerally protected against certain changes unless approval is received by the householder. For example residents living outside of the area are permitted to install sattelite dishes and change windows etc without approval, but within these conservation areas permission is required.

Further infromation regarding the Woodford Conservation Area can be found here and Conservation Areas in general can be found by clicking this link.

Crime Figures

Crime figures are no longer  provided to the Parish Council. Local information can be found on the Crime Stats website, or Police Crime Data. Information about the local Police can be found at Northamptonshire Police.

Rights of Way

Details of the public Rights of Way (footpaths and bridleways) can be found on the Rights of Way page.

Weather Statistics

Monthly weather statistics can be found here.